Clean-up And Helping Hands

(1) Hillside debris: Papers, trash and other debris are frequent accessories to the hillsides. In particular is the hillside along the school children’s walking trail. This one, which runs the length from the 12th St. crossover to the 16th Street Middle School gets the most litter and trash and needs frequent helping hands primarily during the school season. Additionally the hillsides behind the chapel and behind the Patterson building get littered as well and need picking up, but not as frequently as the school hillside. The hillside behind the chapel also has broken limbs that could be picked up and placed by the barn so that they could be chipped into mulch.
(2) Leaf Vacuuming: The fall leaves, while quite spectacular to see in the months of late October and November, produce mounds of dried and blowing leaves that require a hasty clean-up before the wet weather or an early snow fall soaks the leaves and makes them unable to be vacuumed or blown into piles. Helping hands for the piles of leaves are always needed in October and November.